Winter Music Salon at the Jaan Poska House – soprano Heli Veskus and her singing class students

Poska Maja J. Poska 8, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by Jaan Poska House and Music Trust PLMFWinter Music Salon at the Jaan Poska House (Poska tn 8)18th of December at 6pmOUTSTANDING LECTORS AND THEIR STUDENTS IN ESTONIALector of the Estonian Academy of Music and TheaterSoprano Heli Veskus and her singing class students Melissa Maisla, Carol Männamets, Viktorija Agnese Vancane, Lioneta Roze...


“Into the New Year with Holy Miracles” concert at the Geneva Concert Hall – Nechayeva / Gholami

Geneva Kontserdimaja Võidu prospekt 2, Narva, Narva maakond, Eesti

Geneva Concert Hall 26th of December at 7pm Elina Nechayeva and Germán Gholami INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH HOLY MIRACLES Quartet consisting of: Maria Goršenina violin, Ann Meeta Teppo violin Andreas Lend cello, Auli Teppo piano The program includes opera pearls and the most beautiful Christmas melodies Buy an early bird ticket from Piletilevi! A...


“Into the New Year with Holy Miracles” concert at the Tartu St. John’s Church – Nechayeva / Gholami

Tartu Jaani kirik Jaani 5, Tartu, Eesti

Tartu St. John's Church 27th of December at 7pm Elina Nechayeva and Germán Gholami INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH HOLY MIRACLES Quartet consisting of: Maria Goršenina violin, Ann Meeta Teppo violin Andreas Lend cello, Auli Teppo piano The program includes opera pearls and the most beautiful Christmas melodies Buy an early bird ticket from Piletilevi! A supporter’s ticket is also available.


“Into the New Year with Holy Miracles” concert at the Pärnu St. Elisabeth’s Church – Nechayeva / Gholami

Pärnu Eliisabeti kirik Nikolai 22, Pärnu, Pärnu maakond, Eesti

Pärnu St. Elisabeth's Church 28th of December at 7pm Elina Nechayeva and Germán Gholami INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH HOLY MIRACLES Quartet consisting of: Maria Goršenina violin, Ann Meeta Teppo violin Andreas Lend cello, Auli Teppo piano The program includes opera pearls and the most beautiful Christmas melodies Buy an early bird ticket from Piletilevi! A supporter’s ticket is also available.


“Into the New Year with Holy Miracles” concert at the Tallinn St. Charles’ Church – Nechayeva / Gholami

Tallinna Kaarli kirik

Tallinn St. Charles' Church 29th of December at 7pm Elina Nechayeva and Germán Gholami INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH HOLY MIRACLES Quartet consisting of: Maria Goršenina violin, Ann Meeta Teppo violin Andreas Lend cello, Auli Teppo piano The program includes opera pearls and the most beautiful Christmas melodies Buy an early bird ticket from Piletilevi! A supporter’s ticket is also available.


Winter Music Salon at the Jaan Poska House – Professor Arvo Leibur and his violin class students

Poska Maja J. Poska 8, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by Jaan Poska House and Music Trust PLMF Winter Music Salon at the Jaan Poska House (Poska tn 8) 22nd of January at 6pmOUTSTANDING LECTORS AND THEIR STUDENTS IN ESTONIAEstonian Academy of Music and TheaterProfessor Arvo Leibur and his violin class students Mia Kurvits, Susanna Saluste and Nuria Diaz FuentesConcert master Lea...


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival opening concert “Young Talents”

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Swedish St. Michael’s Church 11th of February at 3PM FESTIVAL OPENING CONCERT – YOUNG TALENTS Annabel Soode (soprano) and Rose Thomas (piano, FR) – Winners of the 4th Chamber Duo Competition Rasmus Rosenberg (piano) – 2nd place winner of Annetekoda 2024 and laureate of the PLMF special award Program: Bach, Chopin, Saariaho, Rachmaninoff, Cuéllar etc. Free admission to the...

XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “Jaan Rääts and his contemporaries”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Jaan Poska House 12th of February at 6PM ESTONIA’S OUTSTANDING EDUCATORS AND THEIR STUDENTS JAAN RÄÄTS AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES Johan Randvere (piano) Evening hosted by Eliisa Rääts Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “Mediterranean Atmosphere”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn Town Hall 13th of February at 6PM MEDITERRANEAN ATMOSPHERE Rocio Faus (soprano, ES), Liubov Gromoglasova (piano, LV/IT) Program: Debussy, Fauré, Poulenc etc. Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “19th Century Italian Opera”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn Town Hall 14th of February at 6PM 19TH CENTURY ITALIAN OPERA Antonia Cuomo (soprano, IT) – winner of the T.O.S.C.A 2024 competition Pepe Hannan (tenor, ES), Liubov Gromoglasova (piano, IT) Program: Puccini, Mascagni, Cilea, Giordano Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “Eternal Harmony”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn Town Hall 15th of February at 6PM ETERNAL HARMONY Irina Vylegzhanina (cello, LV), Liubov Gromoglasova (piano, LV/IT) Program: Bach, Schubert, Brahms Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi  


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “Spiegel Im Spiegel”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn Town Hall 20th of February at 6PM SPIEGEL IM SPIEGEL Kristina Fialová (violin, CZ), Ralf Taal (piano) Program: Schubert, Brahms, Pärt etc. Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival concert “In the Wind of Music”

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn Town Hall 26th of February at 6PM IN THE WIND OF MUSIC Michael Vaiman (violin, DE), Peeter Paemurru (cello), Dina Joffe (piano, DE) Program: Brahms, Rahmaninov, Aarne etc. Tickets priced at €20/€12 are available on Piletilevi


XVIII Tallinn Winter Festival ending concert

EMTA kontserdi- ja teatrimaja Tatari 13, Tallinn, Eesti

Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre Concert Hall 27th of February at 6PM FESTIVAL CLOSING CONCERT Estonian top pianist Irina Zahharenkova *Announcement of the “MUBA Talent 2024” PROGRAM Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827) – Sonata No. 1 in F minor, op. 2 Claude Debussy (1862–1918) – Suite bergamasque Sergei Rachmaninoff (1874–1943) – Moments Musicaux, op.16 Tickets priced...


Music Trust PLMF “Music for the Soul” series concert at the Swedish St. Michael’s Church – Lasnamäe Music School students

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Swedish St. Michael's Congregation and Music Trust PLMF Swedish St. Michael's Church 11th of March at 3pm MUSIC FOR THE SOUL Lasnamäe Music School students pianists Ekaterina Halina, Mykhailo Kadyrov, Lika Kanõgina and Ilya Nesterov organists Daniil Trubitsõn and Oskar Toomeste Ionafan Hrapko (oboe) Margitta Arharova (violin) Maria Somova (flute) Egor...