Tallinn Chamber Music Festival

The Tallinn Chamber Music Festival is a major classical music event in Estonia and has become a highly valued tradition. It was created to enrich and add some classical spice to the busy cultural life in Tallinn, giving audiences the chance to enjoy and take pride in the country’s most outstanding musicians alongside many well-known guests. In 2016 the festival was organised in collaboration with the Tallinn Old Town Days. The founder and artistic director of the festival is the Estonian opera singer Pille Lill.

Tallinn Winter Festival

Renowned Estonian and foreign musicians perform classical music under the motto “Open your eyes, open your heart!”. A charity campaign to raise money for the Instruments Fund of the Pille Lill Music Fund, which supports Estonia’s most promising musicians in purchasing professional and high-quality music instruments.

Rapla Church Music Festival

Rapla Church Music Festival began in 1993 in cooperation with Finnish church musicians with the aim to introduce the rich musical heritage of the world to the festival audience. During the years, multiple musical pieces and grand musical compositions which belong to the classical music’s gold fond have been performed. The festival expanded out of Rapla Mary Magdalene Church in 1997 and since then it has reached other cities and counties of Estonia.

Eivere Piano Festival

In 2013 cooperating with the Eivere Manor, PLMF launched the Eivere Piano Festival dedicated solely to piano music. On the amazing Boesendorfer concert piano at the beautiful and historic Eivere Manor have been performing outstanding pianists from Japan – Mr. Izumi Tateno, Ms. Yuko Yoshioka, Ms. Ayumi Hirahara, Ms. Haruyo Kubo, Ms. Emiko Mizuki, Ms. Shihoko Iino, Ms. Sae lida and Mr. Tetsuro Hagiu, in addition to Estonia’s well-known soloists, such as Irina Zahharenkova, Age Juurikas, Marko Martin and young talents Mihkel Poll, Kristi Kapten and Johan Randvere.

Virumaa Music Festival

Virumaa Music Festival is created for the purpose to offer concert experience by the best Estonian musicians in the region of Ida- and Lääne-Virumaa. At the festival, the audience can enjoy concerts in Narva, Kohtla-Järve, Illuka, Tapa, Sillamäe, Kunda, Kiviõli and Jõhvi. As part of the festival’s youth program, top musicians conduct workshops on various instruments in music schools and school concerts in general education schools.

Valga-Valka Summer Music Festival of Seven Churches

The cooperation between PLMF and Valga Municipality begun in 2015. Several varied concerts have taken place in the context of Valga-Valka Summer Music Festival of Seven Churches, where the performers have included such extraordinary representatives of the music scene as saxophone quartet SaxEst, Latvian mixed choir Daugava, violinist Kristina Kriit, baritone Atlan Karp, organ player Tiia Tenno etc.
Festival Events

Small Church Music Festival concert – Lend / Laidna

Tartu Salemi kirik Kalevi 76, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by Tartu Municipality, Tartu Salem Baptist Congregation and Music Trust PLMF SMALL CHURCH MUSIC FESTIVAL Tartu Salem Church 10th of August at 7pm Andreas Lend (cello), Maila...

XX Tallinna Kammermuusika Festivali avakontsert “Jubilate”

Tallinna Jaani kirik Vabaduse väljak 1, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinna Jaani kirik 24.08 kell 19 AVAKONTSERT - JUBILATE Anna-Liisa Bezrodny (viiul), Amy Harman (fagott, UK), Kalev Kuljus (oboe), James Pillai (metsasarv, UK), Eesti Sinfonietta Kavas: Jõeleht, Kerem, Maconchy Piletid...


XX Tallinna Kammermuusika Festivali kontsert “Metsa müstika”

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Rootsi-Mihkli kirik 27.08 kell 21 METSA MÜSTIKA Jan-Erik Gustafsson (tšello, FI); pianistid Sophia Rahman (UK), Mackenzie Melemed (US); Riivo Kallasmaa (oboe); viiuldajad Anna-Liisa Bezrodny, Johannes Põlda; vioolamängijad Kaija Lukas, Andres...


XX Tallinna Kammermuusika Festivali Lauri Jõelehe plaadiesitluskontsert

Tallinn Town Hall Raekoja plats, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinna Raekoda 29.08 kell 19.00 LAURI JÕELEHT - PLAADIESITLUSKONTSERT Anna-Liisa Bezrodny (viiul); Irina Zahharenkova (pianist) Kavas: Jõeleht, Byrd Piletid 25/20€ saadaval Piletilevis Festivali koduleht: https://www.tallinnkammerfest.ee/


XX Tallinna Kammermuusika Festivali lõppkontsert “Tuleviku tähed”

Tallinna Filharmoonia Mustpeade Maja

Mustpeade Maja 30.08 kell 19 LÕPPKONTSERT - TULEVIKU TÄHED MUBA noored muusikud; Anna-Liisa Bezrodny (viiul); Riivo Kallasmaa (oboe); dirigent Andres Kaljuste Kavas: Bach, Elgar, Jõeleht (maailma esmaettekanne), Chaplin Piletid 25/20€...


Small Church Music Festival concert – Veldi / Laur / Jürgenson

Tartu Salemi kirik Kalevi 76, Tartu, Tartu maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by Tartu Municipality, Tartu Salem Baptist Congregation and Music Trust PLMF SMALL CHURCH MUSIC FESTIVAL Tartu Salem Church 14th of September at 7pm Virgo Veldi (saxophone), Rene...