Concert at Tartu St. Mary’s Church – Rusalepp / Riimaa

Tartu Maarja kogudus Õpetaja 5, Tartu, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Tartu St. Mary's Church and Music Trust PLMF Tartu St. Mary's Church 26th of February at 2PM Priit Rusalepp (trumpet) and Margus Riimaa (piano) Program: Ravel, Mägi, Kõrvits etc.

Tallinn String Trio concert at Iisaku Cultural House – Kriit / Nestor / Mägila

Iisaku Rahvamaja Tartu mnt 22, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by Iisaku Cultural House and Music Trust PLMF Iisaku Cultural House 5th of March at 4PM MUSICAL JOURNEY Tallinna Keelpillitrio - Kristina Kriit (violin), Toomas Nestor (viola) and Levi-Danel Mägila (cello) Program: Beethoven, Reger etc. Ticket: 5/4€


Concert “A Time of Hope” at Rae Cultural Center – Kuulmann / Lend / Taal

Rae Cultural Centre Aruküla tee 9, Jüri, Harjumaa, Estonia

Brought to you by Rae Cultural Center and Music Trust PLMF Rae Cultural Center 10th of March at 7PM A TIME OF HOPE Sigrid Kuulmann (violin), Andreas Lend (cello) and Ralf Taal (piano) Program: Fauré, Dvořák etc. Tickets: 10/5€


Tallinn String Trio concert at Puka Community Hall – Kriit / Nestor / Mägila

Puka Kogukonna saal Kooli 6, Puka, Vallga maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by Puka Community Hall and Music Trust PLMF Puka Community Hall 12th of March at 2PM TALLINN STRING TRIO Kristina Kriit (violin), Toomas Nestor (viola) and Levi-Danel Mägila (cello) Program: Beethoven, Reger etc. Ticket: 2€


Concert “Music for the Soul” at the Swedish St. Michael’s Church – soprano Heli Veskus and her students

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Swedish St. Michael's Church 14th of March at 3PM MUSIC FOR THE SOUL Soprano Heli Veskus and her students from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and the Tallinn School of Music and Ballet: Carol Männamets, Viktorija Agnese Vancāne, Julieta Alminas, Lev Rodionov, Anastasia Kudimova, Geir Kudu, Anni Zimmermann, Karis Trass, Birgita Palo, Melissa...

Raplamaa Young Musician 2023 competition

Rapla Kultuurikeskus Tallinna mnt 17a, Rapla

Rapla Cultural Center 10th of April at 12PM RAPLAMAA YOUNG MUSICIAN COMPETITION 2023 Raplamaa music schools

Concert “Spring Melody” at Rae Cultural Center – Neeme and Jaan Ots

Rae Cultural Centre Aruküla tee 9, Jüri, Harjumaa, Estonia

Brought to you by Rae Cultural Center and Music Trust PLMF Rae Cultural Center 14th of April at 7PM SPRING MELODY Neeme Ots (trumpet) and Jaan Ots (piano) Program: Mozart, Handel, Brahms, Monti, Arban etc. Tickets: 10/5€


“Music for the Soul” concert at the Swedish St. Michael’s Church – piano students of Kai Ratassepp and Mati Mikalai

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Swedish St. Michael’s Church and Music Trust PLMF Swedish St. Michael’s Church 9th of May at 3PM MUSIC FOR THE SOUL Piano students of Kai Ratassepp and Mati Mikalai Hans Matthias Kari, Helina Kukk, Anette Allas, Kateryna Fyl, Jekaterina Tšernõševa and Maksym Trotsenko Program: Bach, Schubert, Debussy, Skrjabin, Chopin etc.

Concert at Iisaku Community Center – Saal / Lissijenko

Iisaku Rahvamaja Tartu mnt 22, Ida-Viru maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by Alutaguse municipality and Music Trust PLMF Iisaku Community Center 18th of May at 7PM Aare Saal (baritone) and Kirill Lissijenko (piano) Program: Bizet, Verdi, Tosti etc.

Concert at Rakvere Church – Pillak / Veldi / Tenno

Rakvere kirik Pikk 19, Rakvere, Lääne-Virumaa, Eesti

Rakvere Church 10th of June at 12PM Annaliisa Pillak (mezzosoprano), Virgo Veldi (saxophone) and Tiia Tenno (organ) Program: Bach-Gounot, Schubert, Stradella, Piazzolla, Sibelius etc.

Concert at the Tõrva Church Chamber Hall – Pillak / Veldi / Tenno

Tõrva Church-Chamber hall Valga tn. 44, Valga, Valgamaa, Estonia

Brought to you by SA Tõrva Church Chamber Hall and Music Trust PLMF Tõrva Church Chamber Hall 10th of June at 5PM Annaliisa Pillak (mezzosoprano), Virgo Veldi (saxophone) and Tiia Tenno (piano) Program: Bach-Gounot, Schubert, Stradella, Piazzolla, Sibelius etc.

“Music for the Soul” concert at the Swedish St. Michael’s Church – students and graduates of Rakvere Music School

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Sewdish St. Michael's Church and Music Trust PLMF Swedish St. Michael's Church 13th of June at 3PM MUSIC FOR THE SOUL Students and graduates of Rakvere Music School: Säde Lee Hitrov (viola), Ossi Rasmus Priks (cello), Tobias Küngas (guitar), Saara Reineberk (percussion instruments), Kerdu Lisette Prits (trombone), Ian Eduard Inno (accordion),...