Building Bridge school concert

Tallinna Prantsuse Lütseum Hariduse 3, Tallinn, Eesti

Tallinn French School 16th of May at 11:30 a.m. Sigrid Kuulmann (violin), Neeme Ots (trumpet) and Ralf Taal (piano) moderator Pille Lill Programme: Skoryk, Ponce, Chopin, Liszt, Arban, Kareva etc.

Sigrid Kuulmann’s violin class

Swedish St. Michael's Church Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Swedish St. Michael's Church 16th of May at 3 p.m. Tallinn Music High-School and The Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre students will be performing Coaches: Jelena Fomina, Thea Nestor Programme: J. S. Bach, P. Sarasate, H. Vieuxtemps, S. Barber, E. Mägi etc.

Concert at Leevi Culture Center – Listra / Paemurru

Leevi Rahvamaja Kooli 8, Leevi, 64231 Põlva maakond

Leevi  Culture Center 20th of May at 6:30 p.m. Maria Listra (soprano) and Piia Paemurru (piano) Programme: Mozart, Ehala, Podelski etc. Free entrance!

Concert at Tapa Jakobi Church – Metsoja / Ossipova

Tapa Jakobi Church Tapa, Estonia

Tapa Jakobi Church 22nd of May at 12 p.m. Anu-Mari Metsoja (soprano) and Jelena Ossipova (guitar) Programme: Bach,  Händel, Falla, Härma etc. Free donation for the church!

Concert at Rakke Church – Metsoja / Ossipova

Rakke kirik Oru 6, Rakke, Lääne-Viru maakond, Eesti

Rakke Church 22nd of May at 3 p.m. Anu-Mari Metsoja (soprano) and Jelena Ossipova (guitar) Programme: Bach,  Händel, Falla, Härma etc.

Maria Veretenina ooperigala Hopneri majas

Hopner House Raekoja plats 18, Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Hopneri Maja 25.05 kell 19:00 Maria Veretenina (koloratuursopran) ja Tiina Kärblane (klaver) Kavas: Händel, Donizetti, Rossini, Mozart, Bellini jt. Pilet: 25/15€


Concert at Urvaste Church – Kuulmann / Taal

Urvaste kirik Kirikuküla, Urvaste, Võrumaa

Urvaste Church 27th of May at 3 p.m. Sigrid Kuulmann (violin) and Ralf Taal (piano) Programme: Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven etc. Entrance with donation!

Concert at Räpina Church – Kuulmann / Taal

Räpina kirik Võhandu, Räpina, Põlva maakond

Räpina Church 27th of May at 6 p.m. Sigrid Kuulmann (violin) and Ralf Taal (piano) Programme: Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven etc. Entrance with free donation for the church!

The preliminary round of the IV Republican Vocalists Competition

Hopner House Raekoja plats 18, Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Music trust PLMF is organizing the IV Republican Vocalists Competition on the 28.-29. of May, to find talented young opera singers and to help them with their future career perspectives. The preliminary rounds of the competition are on the 28th of May at 10 a.m. at the Hopner House (free entrance) and the final-concert is on...

The final concert of the IV Republican Vocalists Competition

Music trust PLMF is organizing the IV Republican Vocalists Competition on the 28.-29. of May, to find talented young opera singers and to help them with their future career perspectives. The preliminary rounds of the competition are on the 28th of May at 10 a.m. at the Hopner House (free entrance) and the final-concert is on...


Concert at Pindi Church – Kalm / Humal

Pindi kirik Lasva, Võru, Eesti

Pindi Church 5th of June at 12 p.m. Tõnu Kalm (clarinet) and Anna Humal (organ) Programme: Lätte, Eller, Handel etc. Entrance with free-donation for the church!

Concert at Järva-Jaani Church- Altrov / Kuusk

Järva-Jaani kirik

Järva-Jaani Church 5th of June at 12:30 p.m. Clarinet duo Marten Altrov and Martin Kuusk Prorgamme: Mendelssohn, Crusell, Bach etc. Entrance with free-donation for the church!

Concert at Vändra Church – Kuulmann / Lend / Tenno

Vändra Martini kirik Pikk 32, Vändra alev, Põhja-Pärnumaa vald, Pärnu maakond, Eesti

Vändra Church 5th of June at 12:30 p.m. Sigrid Kuulmann (violin), Andreas Lend (cello) and Tiia Tenno (organ) Programme: Halvorsen, Glière, Skoryk etc.

XXX Rapla Church Music Festival concert “Evening Mass”

Rapla Church 26th of June at 7 p.m. Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, conductor Tõnu Kaljuste Programme: A. Vivaldi - Gloria D-Major RV 589, Dixit Dominus RV 594 Tickets: 20/15€ Festival pass: 40/60€


XXX Rapla Church Music Festival concert at Vigala Church

Vigala kirik

Vigala Church 29th of June at 7 p.m. Tallinn Trumpet ensemble: Neeme Ots, Jaan Ots, Villem Endel Tiits, Mehis Martin Ots, Mattis-Johan Mere ja Mart Hakon Reinmets Programme: Susato, Gabrieli, Bodin de Boismortier, Bach, Telemann etc. Tickets: 12/7 € Festival pass: 40/60€


XXX Rapla Church Music Festival concert “Invisible Path”

Kehtna kirik

Kehtna Church 30th of June at 7 p.m. Johanna Vahermägi (song, percussion instruments, viola) Mihkel Metsala (trumpet) Marek Talts (guitar) Kristjan Mängel (percussion instruments) Taavo Remmel (bass) Kairi Ervald (backing vocalist, flute) Lemme-Getter Metsala (backing vocalist) Programme: Composer concert Johanna Vahermägi Tickets: 12/7€ Festival pass: 40/60€
