“Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing.”

— Richard James Molloy

What is PLMF?

PLMF stands for «Pille Lille Music Fund». It was inaugurated on February 7th, 2003 by soprano Pille Lill with the aim to support the development of talented professional musicians by organizing master classes, opportunities to perform and by introducing them internationally. At the launching concert-reception in the Town Hall of Tallinn, in the presence of its Patron, The Earl of Carlisle as well as the Cultural Minister of Estonia and many Ambassadors to the Republic of Estonia. Estonian friends of Opera and Music from all walks of life were also present.

Instruments Fund

The «Instruments Fund», founded in 2012 within the PLMF Tallinn Winter Festival, aims to support Estonian most promising musicians in purchasing professional and high-quality music instruments.


We turn to all of our friends to donate to the «Instruments Fund» to support Estonian talented artists!

PLMF belongs to the following umbrella organisations and networks:


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