18:00 — 19:00
Tallinn Town Hall, Raekoja plats, Tallinn, 10146, Eesti
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The PLMF Musician’s Fund presents Kadi Jürgens and Thill Mantero, who performed this summer in France in Bizet’s opera production of Carmen (Kadi as Carmen and Thill as Morales), which was followed by several praising articles.

Brought to you by Music Trust PLMF
Tallinna Town Hall
3rd of October at 6pm
Kadi Jürgens (mezzosoprano), Thill Mantero (baritone, France), Piia Paemurru (piano)
Program: Bizet, Ibert, Strauss, Vaughan Williams etc.
Tickets 20/15€ available in Piletilevi

Kadi Jürgens is a brilliant mezzo-soprano who graduated from the International Opera Academy (IOA) in Ghent, Belgium, and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. She has received numerous accolades, including a gold medal at the Manhattan International Competition in New York in 2023 and the “Young Singer 2018” award from the PLMF Musician’s Fund. Kadi has performed as a soloist across Europe, both in opera houses and with renowned orchestras such as the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO), the Oulu and Flanders Symphony Orchestras, the Belgian National Orchestra, and the Casco Phil Chamber Orchestra. This season, she has upcoming projects in Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, and France. Her notable opera roles include: Carmen in Bizet’s Carmen (Vanemuine Theatre, Opéra de Baugé, France), Mädchen in Weill’s Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny (Dutch National Opera, Flanders Opera), Anna I in Weill’s The Seven Deadly Sins (Flanders Opera), Concepción in Ravel’s L’heure espagnole (Flanders Opera), Mother, Teacup, and Butterfly in Ravel’s L’enfant et les sortilèges (Opéra de Baugé, France), Lucia in Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana, Andromache in Märt-Matis Lill’s Tulleminek, Mrs. Grose and Nancy in Britten’s The Turn of the Screw and Albert Herring, Dido in Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Orlando in Handel’s Orlando, Zerlina in Mozart’s Don Giovanni, Carmen in Peter Brook’s La Tragédie de Carmen, Lotte Lenya in Weill’s LoveMusik, and Mrs. Green in van Parys’s Private View.

Thill Mantero is a versatile French-Italian artist who studied music, theatre, and dance at Trinity College of Music in London and furthered his training in the English National Opera’s program The Knack. His career spans contemporary music, baroque opera, and musicals, performing roles such as Guglielmo, Don Giovanni, and Count Almaviva (Mozart’s Così fan tutte, Don Giovanni, and The Marriage of Figaro), Ben (Menotti’s The Telephone), the Doctor (Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande), and more. He has also performed in oratorios (Brahms’s German Requiem, Fauré’s Requiem Mass, and Dvořák’s Te Deum), musicals (Passion, Radio Broadway Celebrates Hollywood), and chamber music (including Mahler’s Des Knaben Wunderhorn). Mantero has collaborated with ensembles such as Le Balcon, Accroche Note, and Hanatsu Miroir.