Концерт Фонда музыкантов PLMF «В ожидании весны» в церкви Мартина в Вяндра — Мельник / Тенно

Vändra Martini kirik Pikk 32, Vändra alev, Põhja-Pärnumaa vald, Pärnu maakond, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Vändra St. Martin's Congregation and Music Trust PLMF Vändra St. Martin's Church 30th of March at 12:30pm WAITING FOR SPRING Marion Melnik (soprano), Tiia Tenno (organ) Program: Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Franck etc. Entry by voluntary donation for the benefit of the church!

V Рапламааский конкурс молодых музыкантов

Rapla Kultuurikeskus Tallinna mnt 17a, Rapla

Rapla Cultural Center 2nd of April at 12pm-3:30pm V Raplamaa Young Musician Competition Students from the following schools will be participating: Rapla Music School 9-year-old Adeele Sära Toots (violin), 7-year-old Lukas Läätsim (saxophone), 9-year-old Gretel Vesinurm (flute), 11-year-old Johan Lepiste (saxophone), 10-year-old Artur Gerassimov (clarinet), 10-year-old Marii Kaselt (piano), 16-year-old Rednar Moks (saxophone), 13-year-old Õnneliis Lumiste (flute) and 17-year-old Hanna Luukas (violin); Kehtna Art School 9-year-old Emil Johannes Välja (tuba); Kohila Art School 11-year-old Thom Kivioja (alt),...

Концерт серии «Душевная музыка» фонда музыкантов PLMF в Шведско-Михайловской церкви — ученики Таллиннской музыкальной школы

Шведская церковь Св. Михаила Rüütli 9, Tallinn, Eesti

Brought to you by EELC Swedish St. Michael's Congregation and Music Trust PLMF Swedish St. Michael's Church 8th of April at 3PM MUSIC FOR THE SOUL TALLINN MUSIC SCHOOL SUDENTS organists MariaTiks, BenjaminSilva Kristiansen, Albert Reinman, pianists Ulrika Valeikaite, Lenna Maamägi, Oliver Markus Born (bassoon), Marta Tabur (violin), string quartet (Héloïse Le Masne, Sigrit Meister,...